In the HSV/HSB scale, Solid White has a hue of 210, 1 saturation and a brightness value of 100.
The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:1 M:0 Y:0 K:0. The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255.
Lists Unordered Lists Ordered Lists Other Lists HTML Block & Inline HTML Classes HTML Id HTML Iframes HTML JavaScript HTML File Paths HTML Head HTML Layout HTML Responsive HTML Computercode HTML Semantics HTML Style Guide HTML Entities HTML Symbols HTML Emojis HTML Charset HTML URL Encode HTML vs. W3C color name: White Colors that make up FFFFFF RGB: 255, 255, 255 - HSL: 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 CSS shorthand: FFF Web safe color: Yes. The equivalent RGB values are (253, 254, 255), which means it is composed of 33 red, 33 green and 33 blue. RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green andBlue colors.