For me it is a big investment and I would like to get a legit one. I have also seen that people still sells dongles on ebay, and there are also license keys on other sellers when you look on google. Where can I buy the program? I live in Spain and I searched the authorised resellers and there is only one and they do not advertise the price of Davinci Resolve. I've realised that you can't buy the program directly from blackmagic. Does the license work for all the three platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac)?Ĥ. Can you deactivate one computer to activate the program in another one?ģ. Download DaVinciResolve16.2.8W - VideoHelp. Davinci Resolve Studio 16 Activation Key - dedalsavings. Davinci Resolve Studio Serial Number - truecfil. DaVinci Resolve Studio Dongle vs Activation Key - Annex Pro. DaVinci Resolve Fundamentals - Working with Nodes. I've read that new purchases are license key only and can be used on two computers. Davinci Resolve Studio Serial Number - sydneyfree. Does the license key work for all future releases (16, 17.) of the program?Ģ. Now I am thinking about buying the studio version but I have some questions:ġ. It was an incredible surprise having found a program that offers so much for free. El software le permite colaborar y llevar a la gente con talentos creativos juntos. DaVinci Resolve 15 de ayudar a los artistas a descubrir fácilmente el conjunto diferente de herramientas. I am an amateur and at the moment I am learning how to use the free version of Davinci Resolve 15. DaVinci Resolve Studio es un software de edición de color y de sonido, vídeo profesional con el profesional de efectos de vídeo.